Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC)

Application of Biomolecular Analysis Technologies


NITE is engaged in the investigation and the prevention measures of accidents related to consumer products. As part of this activity, NBRC conducts the investigation of allergy-producing products and the development of technical criteria and evaluation methods for various biomolecule-related products by utilizing our expertise in protein analysis as well as in genomic, metagenomic and metabolomic analysis. The results of studies are released over the Internet or presented at academic/administrative meetings.

Analytical Instruments

Analytical instruments used in the following studies are introduced.

Mass Spectrometer Introduction

Microorganisms producing carotenoids

NITE has been analyzing carotenoids produced by microorganisms.

Microbial Carotenoids

Identification of Animal Fibers

NITE has been developing the identification method for animal fibers used in textile products by mass spectrometric analysis of proteins.

Identification of Cashmere FibersIcon Image

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Contact us

 Biotechnology Evaluation and Development Division,  Biological Resource Center,  National Institute of Technology and Evaluation

Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, Japan MAP
Contact Form