The 6th meeting of OECD Task Force on Exposure Assessment was held at NITE.
8 September, 2014
The 6th meeting of OECD Task Force on Exposure Assessment was held at NITE.
The 6th Task Force meeting of OECD Task Force on Exposure Assessment was held at NITE (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation) on 4-5 September, 2014.
This meeting was attended by around 50 experts from 11 OECD member countries, (such as USAs, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Korea and so on), EU (European Union), BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee), OECD Secretariat and Japanese ministries/agencies concerned. The meeting provided active discussions for two days.
The details on the meeting are click here[PDF:277 KB].
The outline of the OECD Task Force are click here (OECD public website).
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